Romanian PM Calls For More Controls To Prevent Tax Evasion

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc has asked the ministers of Finance and of the Interior to take action against tax evasion, focusing on "high evasion," as well as step up controls using teams made up of representatives of every relevant institution.


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Romanian PM Calls For More Controls To Prevent Tax Evasion

These requests were made by the prime minister in the inter-ministry committee against tax evasion, held Friday at the Government headquarters. The meeting was attended by the ministers of Finance and of the Interior, officials of the National Fiscal Administration Agency, the National Customs Authority and Romanian Police.

The committee was set up in early 2010 to respond weekly to notices of tax evasion and find ways to eliminate it. Regularly, the prime minister meets with the members of this committee to make general requests.

In the Government's Wednesday meeting, Boc said one of the objectives for this year is fighting tax evasion from excise duties.

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