Romanian PM Signs Decisions To Dismiss 17 State Secretaries, Two State Undersecretaries

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday he signed the decisions whereby 17 state secretaries and 2 undersecretaries of state are released from office.


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Romanian PM Signs Decisions To Dismiss 17 State Secretaries, Two State Undersecretaries

Boc said restructuration within the Interior Minister requires the National Defense Council's agreement.

The prime minister said that, starting Wednesday, counties will have only one deputy prefect, except capital Bucharest which will preserve two deputy prefects.

The Government decided last week to reduce to two the number of state secretaries in each ministry, except those of Interior, Foreign Affairs and Finance, which will have three secretaries of state.

The Executive also decided to reduce by 50% the number of deputy prefects, so that each county will have only one such position. Boc said the sacked deputy prefects will not be reemployed as Government inspectors.

Following the Government's decision, the total number of state secretaries will be reduced to 32 from the current 57.

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