Romanian President Basescu Recalls Ambassador To Chile, Recently Involved In Car Crash

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Thursday signed the decree recalling Romania’s ambassador to Chile, Valentin Florea, who was recently involved in a car crash.


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Romanian President Basescu Recalls Ambassador To Chile, Recently Involved In Car Crash

According to a Presidency statement released Thursday, the head of state signed the decrees recalling Romania's ambassadors to Chile and to Ukraine.

Florea was nearing the end of his term. Florin Angelo Florian, his replacement, received the unanimous endorsement of the Parliament committees for foreign policy on June 30. At the time, he announced he will arrange a visit to the country by President Basescu some time in October.

The July 12 online edition of Chilean daily La Nacion said Florea made a wrong turn on Kennedy Boulevard in the Vitacura commune of Santiago de Chile, smashing into another car, whose driver was seriously injured but is in stable condition.

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