Romanian Public Sector Employees To Receive Holiday Tickets

Romanian authorities and public institutions will be able to give their employees gift certificates and holiday tickets, as long as they fit within the spending budgeted, according to an agreement reached Saturday at the government headquarters, between the government and the unions.


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Romanian Public Sector Employees To Receive Holiday Tickets

As for local authorities, they will only be able to grant holiday tickets from their own funds.
Ministry sources recently told MEDIAFAX that Romanian authorities plan to suspend gift vouchers and holiday tickets for employees in the public sector until by the end of the year.
They said the government already drew up a draft emergency ordinance on the matter.
The government approved in February the introduction of holiday tickets for employees and set their value at up to six gross minimum wages a ticket. Romania’s minimum gross wage is currently set at RON600 per month.
Last week, Romanian MPs passed the bill in Senate.

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