Romanian Rroma Leader In Italy Is Internationally Wanted

One of the leaders of Rroma people in Italy, Costica Argint, who met with Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu Wednesday in Rome, is internationally wanted, but cannot be arrested as he obtained political asylum in Italy.

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Romanian Rroma Leader In Italy Is Internationally Wanted

Sources with the police told MEDIAFAX Thursday that in April 1997, Argint was investigated for gross offences after he trashed a bar and seriously injured two people.
That same year, the man fled Romania and went to Italy. Five years later, in 2002, a Romanian court issued an international arrest warrant for Argint. In 2007, Argint was sentenced to one year and a half in prison.
"In 2006, he obtained political asylum in Italy, and authorities cannot enforce the arrest warrant. The Romanian police can do nothing in this case because it cannot act on the territory of another country," the sources said.
Romania’s Prime Minister Tariceanu went to Rome Wednesday to meet with Italy’s premier Romano Prodi and members of the Romanian community, among which Argint.

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