Romanian Senate Passes Criminal Procedure Code Bill

Romania’s Senate passed on Monday a revised version of the bill amending the country’s criminal procedure code, with several changes made in accordance with a Constitutional Court ruling on the initiative.


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Romanian Senate Passes Criminal Procedure Code Bill

The bill was passed with 74 votes for, 31 against and three abstentions.

Among the changes from the initial version of the bill, passed in June but declared unconstitutional, the special parliamentary committee for modifying judicial bills eliminated the phrase “solid evidence and clues”, with regards to the conditions to start or exert prosecution.

The bill replaces all mentions of the phrase with the one currently in use, “reasonable suspicion”.

Another provision which was removed gave the possibility to a suspect to take part at hearings of witnesses or victims.

The bill was passed shortly after Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced that the Government will discuss the opportunity of an emergency decree to amend the country’s criminal codes with constitutional provisions from this bill and a similar criminal procedure code bill.

The bill will be sent to the Lower Chamber, which will act as a deciding body on the subject.

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