Romanian Subway Co Metrorex Signs Contract For Subway Sector Construction

Romanian state-run subway company Metrorex signed a EUR215 million contract with a consortium led by Italian company Astaldi for the construction of Raul Doamnei- Eroilor sector of Bucharest’s new subway mainline.


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Romanian Subway Co Metrorex Signs Contract For Subway Sector Construction

Construction work will start in about 50 days and the subway sector will be finished in 2014.

The project is financed by the European Investment Bank (50%) and the state budget (50%).

In February, Metrorex awarded the contract to a consortium made up of Astaldi (Italy), FCC (Spain), Delta ACM and AB Construct (Romania).

People close to the matter told MEDIAFAX back then that Greek construction company Aktor, which had made a RON1.009 billion offer, contested the auction.

Astaldi operates in 23 countries and is engaged in several top construction projects in Romania. FCC is present on the Romanian market through FCC Construccion and Alpine. Delta ACM, owned by Florea Diaconu, was set up in 1993 and carries out road repair and construction work.

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