Social-Democrat MP Switches Allegiance to Pro Romania

Romanian Social Democrat Party (PSD) MP Nicolae Georgescu announced on Monday that he left the ruling party to join the recently-founded group led by former PM Victor Ponta, Pro Romania, being the latest on a significant list of parliamentary switches between the two groups.


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Social-Democrat MP Switches Allegiance to Pro Romania

The MP said that he was “disappointed” that leftist values were represented in his home Arges county by fellow MP Catalin Radulescu, one of the group’s most hardline supporters on the issue of softening anticorruption laws.

He added that Pro Romania candidates in the upcoming MEP elections would know how to bring more EU funds to develop Arges county.

Pro Romania currently has 22 MPs in Romania’s Lower Chamber, most of them having defected from PSD. On April 13, former PSD spokesman Adrian Dobre also made the switch between the two parties, stating that the social-democrats were promoting anti-European and extremist values.

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