Some 11,500 Romanians Voted Abroad By GMT 1900

Some 11,500 Romanians voted by GMT 1900 in the European Parliament elections at polling stations set up abroad, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release, adding 49 polling stations were still open after GMT 1900.


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Some 11,500 Romanians Voted Abroad By GMT 1900

"According to information offered by Romanian consulates and embassies abroad, some 15,000 Romanians voted in countries that closed polling stations by GMT 1900, namely, Australia, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, India, South Africa, the Russian Federation, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, France, Greece, the Republic of Moldova, Turkey and Israel," the ministry said.
Furthermore, 141 out of 190 polling stations set up abroad closed at GMT 1900.
Polling stations on the West Coast of the United States, namely, in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix and Portland, closed Monday, June 8, at GMT 0400.  
These polling stations opened at GMT 1400 on Sunday, June 7.

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