Three Dead, One Child Injured in Crash Caused by Drunk Driver on A1 Motorway

Three people, including a 5-year old child, died on Friday morning following a violent crash on the A1 Motorway in Timis county, after an intoxicated driver collided head-on with their car.


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Three Dead, One Child Injured in Crash Caused by Drunk Driver on A1 Motorway

Another child, aged 10, was hospitalized with life-threatening conditions. Two of the victims, aged 60, were the grandparents of one of the children, according to local sources.

The culprit, a 43-year old man, attempted to run away from the crash site, but was caught by Timis Police officers near a railway crossing in the town of Susani. Aa breathalyzer test showed that the driver was under the influence of alcohol.

According to the Timis Police, the crash took place after the culprit switched onto the oncoming lane and collided head-on with the victims’ vehicle, which contained three adults and two children. One of the adults in the other vehicle did not suffer serious injuries.

The driver was detained and will be investigated for charges of driving while intoxicated, hit and run and manslaughter.



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