Two Candidates Validated For Permanent Electoral Authority Leadership

The combined judicial committees of Romania’s Parliament validated on Tuesday two candidacies for the office of Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) chairman, both from within the agency.


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Two Candidates Validated For Permanent Electoral Authority Leadership

Current AEP secretary-general Constantin Mituletu-Buica and deputy chairman Marian Muhulet will run for the electoral body’s leadership, with the Parliament to select a new chairman in a secret vote on Wednesday.

Romania’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) announced that it will support the secretary-general for the role, while the country’s opposition parties placed their support behind the agency's deputy chairman.

Among other responsibilities, AEP sets and grants state subsidies for parliamentary parties and also verifies campaign spending.

Former AEP Chairman Daniel Barbu resigned last week in order to run in the upcoming European elections.

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