Environment Minister: Romania To Apply Current Car Pollution Tax Until 2013

Romania will apply the car pollution tax currently in effect until 2013, Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Wednesday at a conference organized by the Foreign Affairs Ministry.


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Environment Minister: Romania To Apply Current Car Pollution Tax Until 2013

Borbely said he hopes the Parliament will adopt as soon as possible the new car pollution tax bill, drafted by the ministry, which reduces the tax by as much as 25%, but also charges on the sale of cars registered before 2007, for which the tax has not been paid.

On September 6, the minister said that, in mid-2012 or in 2013, he plans to eliminate the pollution tax paid upon a car's first registration and introduce a "green card" certifying the amount of emissions produced by the vehicle.

The new car pollution tax bill was approved by the Government end-August.

According to the draft normative act, if the pollution tax paid after July 1, 2008 is higher than the new tax, the car owner may request a refund of the difference.

The new tax will be charged for both new and used cars registered for the first time in Romania, regardless of whether the vehicle was produced in the country or abroad, as well as for cars registered before 2007, for which the tax was not paid.

For vehicles registered before 2007, the pollution tax will be paid when transferring the ownership rights, once the new law enters force, said the ministry.

The tax rate will be determined according to the engine's type and size, CO2 emissions and vehicle depreciation.

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