Fugitive Former Romanian Officials Appeal To Costa Rica’s Constitutional Tribunal

Former Romanian Tourism Minister Elena Udrea and former top anti-organized crime prosecutor Alina Bica, both currently detained in Costa Rica, have launched an appeal at the country’s constitutional authority in hopes to end their detention, according to local media.


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Fugitive Former Romanian Officials Appeal To Costa Rica’s Constitutional Tribunal

The two fugitives, sentenced or prosecuted in corruption cases in Romania, pleaded for their release with the Costa Rican court on November 6, according to local news site AmeliaRueda.com.

The sources states that Udrea invoked in her appeal the impossibility of receiving visits from her three-month old child, due to improper detention conditions, while Bica contested a series of legal conditions regarding the procedure to extradite her to Romania.

The two were detained on October 3 for sixty days, based on Interpol warrant issued by Romanian authorities, and are currently undergoing extradition procedures.

Bica and Udrea also applied for political asylum in Costa Rica, while the former minister also gave birth to a child in the Carribean country in September.

Elena Udrea was sentenced in June 2018 to six years in prison for corruption offences regarding a 2011 boxing event.

Alina Bica also received a four-year prison sentence the same month, for favoring a culprit in a case which took place while she was chief prosecutor of the country’s top anti-organized crime agency DIICOT.

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