Romania Abstained From Voting On Palestinian Bid For Full Membership In UNESCO

Romania abstained from voting Monday on Palestinians’ request to join the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry said Tuesday.


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Romania Abstained From Voting On Palestinian Bid For Full Membership In UNESCO

According to the ministry, Romania considers now is not the right time for Palestinians' move to join UNESCO, as their priority should be the resumption of direct negotiations.

Radio Netherlands said on its website Monday that Romania voted against granting the Palestinians full membership in UNESCO. The source said Romania, the USA, Germany, Canada, the Czech Republic, and Lithuania voted against the Palestinian bid, while Italy and the United Kingdom were cited among the states which abstained from voting.

"Romania abstained as it considers this is not the right moment for the Palestinian move. The priority of the two parts and of the international community should be the resumption of direct negotiations. Romania considers a UN special agency such as UNESCO should have postponed a vote on this matter, as the issue is currently analyzed by the UN Security Council, which is one of the international organization's main decision-making bodies, also responsible with maintaining international peace and security," said the ministry.

The ministry restated Romania's support for two states, namely "a viable, democratic and independent Palestinian state" to live in peace and security with Israel.

A viable solution in the peace process should emerge from negotiations between the parties involved. Romania does not support unilateral solutions that might affect the peace process, added the ministry.

On Monday, UNESCO approved with 107 to 14 votes and 52 abstentions the Palestinian bid for full membership. The United States and Canada are among the countries that rejected the request.

On October 7, Romania voted against the recommendation to grant Palestinians full membership in UNESCO. The UN agency's executive council approved the recommendation with a majority of votes.

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