Adrian Sarbu Appointed Chief Executive Officer Of CME

Central European Media Enterprises (CME) on Tuesday appointed its president and chief operating officer Adrian Sarbu in the position of Chief Executive Officer, the company announced.


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Adrian Sarbu Appointed Chief Executive Officer Of CME

"CME is a young and energetic organization. My strategy is to make CME one of the biggest and most respected media companies in Europe and prove that people in the region are competitive in the entertainment industry, which so far seemed an exclusive club for professionals in the United States,” said Sarbu.

"Adrian is the most talented executive that I have worked with and I am proud to announce his appointment as Chief Executive Officer of the company. He has been an incredible asset to CME and his insight and experience will continue to be a valuable resource for the company," said Ronald Lauder, Non-Executive Chairman and founder of CME, a broadcasting company operating 18 television networks in seen former communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe - Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Ukraine.

CME covers a market of 97 million viewers.

CME had earnings of about $1 billion last years and an operating profit (EBITDA) of $340 million and is one of the most profitable TV company in the world. CME is listed on Nasdaq and the Prague Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "CETV”.

In Romania, CME owns Pro Tv SA, which includes TV networks Pro Tv, Acasa, Pro Tv International, Pro Cinema, and MTV Romania.

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