Belgian Company Refuses To Rent Cars To Romanian Citizens

Two Romanian MEPs last week accused Belgian rent-a-car company Hertz Benelux of discriminating Romanian citizens by refusing to rent cars to them.

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Belgian Company Refuses To Rent Cars To Romanian Citizens

However, not long after the accusation brought by the two MEPs, Hertz once more refused to rent a car to a Romanian citizen, motivating that the respective person was unable to provide an address at which they could be found in Belgium.

Last week, MEPs Magor Csibi and Cristian Busoi said they would notify the European Commission that a Belgian company does not observe the rights of Romanian citizens. The two officials decided to take action after a Romanian citizen complained that even though he had paid in advance to rent a car from Hertz rent-a-car company, the company did not observe the agreement. Company representatives said at the time that Hertz no longer wished to rent cars to Romanian citizens.

MEP Magor Csibi said he wished to check the validity of the statements made by the Romanian citizen and tried to also rent a car from the respective company. On February 11, a member of his staff made an online reservation that was afterwards confirmed.

However, when he went to pick up the car, company representatives refused to rent it, bringing forth as argument some rules that were not stipulated on the company’s web site.

The Romanian official said that this is proof that Hertz uses unprofessional practices meant to mislead consumers.


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