CNSAS Chairman: Top Anticorruption Prosecutor Nominee Has Non-Collaboration Verdict

The Justice Minister’s nominee for chief anticorruption prosecutor, Adina Florea, was declared as not having collaborated with Romania’s Communist political police Securitate in 2007, according to the chairman of the institution studying Securitate archives CNSAS, Constantin Buchet.


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CNSAS Chairman: Top Anticorruption Prosecutor Nominee Has Non-Collaboration Verdict

The CNSAS chairman stated on Wednesday that the institution, the only official body able to decide if an individual collaborated with the Communist militia, issued a certificate for not having collaborated or being part of the Securitate in 2009, which was maintained in 2017 without additions.

This comes after President Klaus Iohannis decided on Wednesday to reject Florea’s nomination, on basis of her nomination file not including a CNSAS review.

“There is no document which could change this verdict and make us reflect towards something related to legal definitions,” Buchet said in an interview for TV station Antena 3.

He added that the respective documentation was sent to the country’s top judicial watchdog CSM.

President Klaus Iohannis rejected again on Wednesday the nomination of Constanta prosecutor Adina Florea as chief of the country’s National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), citing as reasons the same procedural issues which led to his initial refusal.

According to the president, the nomination documents re-sent by Justice Minister Tudorel Toader failed to contain the proof that Florea never collaborated with the Securitate.

This was also the reason for his initial refusal to appoint the Constanta prosecutor for the role. According to legal conditions for DNA chief prosecutors, their nomination file must contain proof that they were not part of and did not collaborate with the Securitate before 1990, specifically a review given by CNSAS in this regard.

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