EC Opens Infringement Proceedings Against Romania Over Energy Market Legislation

The European Commission has opened infringement proceedings against Romania and other member states for failing to transpose two directives, regarding the electricity and natural gas markets, and the Economy Ministry expects the process to be stopped in two months, when the rules are adopted.


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EC Opens Infringement Proceedings Against Romania Over Energy Market Legislation

The Commission announced the first stages of the procedure, the reasoned opinion, on Thursday, but Romania has not received the opinion yet, says a ministry press release.

The proceedings target 17 member states for failure to transpose Directive 2009/73 on the internal natural gas market, and 16 states for failure to transpose Directive 2009/72 on the internal electricity market.

The ministry says that it and the National Energy Regulation Authority have drafted the acts transposing the directives, and sent them to the Commission on September 9. The two acts will be submitted for the Government's approval after the Commission sends its position on their compatibility with EU law.

The ministry estimates that adoption will take no longer than two months, thereby stopping the infringement proceedings.

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