File Accusing Romanian Ex PM Returned To Anticorruption Prosecutors

The “Zambaccian” file indicting former Romanian prime minister Adrian Nastase will be returned to anticorruption prosecutors, who have to readjust procedural documents according to the law on ministers’ liability.


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File Accusing Romanian Ex PM Returned To Anticorruption Prosecutors

The nine-judge panel with the Romanian High Court of Justice made a final decision Monday, rejecting the appeal of the Anticorruption Department.
The corruption trial involving former social-democrat prime minister Nastase was suspended on March 22, 2007, after a three-judge panel with the High Court sent the file to the Constitutional Court to examine exceptions of unconstitutionality raised on the ministers’ liability law. The article cited states the prosecution and trial of former cabinet members for crimes that occurred while they were in office follow common law procedures. The article also stipulated procedural provisions are not applied to former government members in any situation.
Early July 2007, the Constitutional Court admitted the former prime minister’s raised exception. Following this decision, defense attorneys asked for the file to be returned to prosecutors for the remake of the prosecution’s case.
Nastase is accused of taking bribe and receiving illicit gains.

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