Fmr Romanian Envoy Blamed For Hit-And-Run Asked Witnesses To Change Testimonies– Court

A Bucharest court trying the case in which Romania’s former envoy to Singapore Silviu Ionescu is blamed for a hit-and-run accident that resulted in one fatality said Ionescu tried to get two witnesses testifying in the case to change their depositions.


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Fmr Romanian Envoy Blamed For Hit-And-Run Asked Witnesses To Change Testimonies– Court

It said Ionescu tried to get the woman who had accompanied him before the accident to change her deposition and say that he hadn't drunk any alcohol before the accident, and also to get his driver to modify data stored in the computer registry of the embassy car Ionescu was allegedly driving.

Last week, the court allowed prosecutors' request and ruled to place Ionescu under preventive arrest for 29 days.

Ionescu's lawyer, Maria Vasi, said she already appealed the ruling with the Bucharest Court.

According to Vasi, the judge who ruled to place Ionescu into custody said the arrest was necessary for the proper unfolding of the investigation from now on.

Romania's General Prosecution Office detained Ionescu last Friday after nearly six hours of hearings and requested that Ionescu be taken into custody for 29 days.

Before the hearings, Ionescu told reporters he is confident he won't be arrested, as "Romania isn't Singapore" and he has strong evidence proving his innocence.

Ionescu is investigated for manslaughter, fleeing the scene of the accident and false statements.

Early April, Singapore's Police sent Interpol Romania an international arrest warrant against Ionescu. The Romanian Justice Ministry told Interpol Romania that the former envoy to Singapore cannot be placed under provisional arrest to be extradited to Singapore, as Romania did not lift the former envoy's diplomatic immunity.

Ionescu filed suit to have the warrant cancelled but the court overruled his claim Thursday. The former envoy said he would appeal the ruling and address the European Court for Human Rights if the issue isn't solved in Romania.

Ionescu is wanted to stand trial in Singapore after a coroner's inquiry showed he was driving an embassy car mid-December last year and hit three pedestrians, one of whom died. Ionescu initially reported the embassy car stolen and continues to deny any wrongdoing. He also fled to Romania days after the accident.

In February, Ionescu was officially placed under criminal investigation by the Romanian General Prosecution Office for manslaughter, fleeing the scene of an accident and false statements. Ionescu has also been suspended from his diplomatic duties.

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