France, Netherlands On Diplomatic Offensive Against Romania’s Schengen Accession - President

Romania’s President Traian Basescu said Wednesday on public radio that France and the Netherlands are carrying out a diplomatic offensive to convince more countries that Romania should not be allowed to join the Schengen Area unless it solves problems in the justice sector.


Imaginea articolului France, Netherlands On Diplomatic Offensive Against Romania’s Schengen Accession - President

France, Netherlands On Diplomatic Offensive Against Romania’s Schengen Accession - President

"My duty is to try my best to have this objective (the accession to the Schengen Area, e.n.) accomplished. On the other hand, some countries are extremely unsatisfied with the results of the Mechanism of Cooperation and Verification in the justice sector," said Basescu.

No more than one vote is needed to block Romania's accession to the Schengen Area, highlighted the president.

Basescu said that in the EU accession Treaty, Romania signed the only condition imposed on the country regarding its future Schengen accession, which concerned technical aspects. In 2006, Romania and the European Commission signed an agreement regarding the implementation of a mechanism of cooperation and verification in the justice sector, targeting especially corruption, said Basescu.

"Debates are now held to see in what way the accession to the Schengen Area can be linked to other aspects, apart from those regarding technical issues," said the president and concluded Romania still has problems in the justice sector.

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