Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili To Visit Romania In Spring - Press

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili is expected to visit Romania this spring, Saakashvili’s spokesperson Manana Manjgaladze said, quoted by newspaper Georgian Times on its website.


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Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili To Visit Romania In Spring - Press

According to Manjgaladze, Saakashvili's visits to Romania and France are scheduled for spring. Beside, U.S. President Barack Obama has invited Saakashvili to the summit on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which will take place in April.

Manjgaladze also said Saakashvili didn't leave for the Munich Security Conference because of his busy schedule.

According to Saakashvili's schedule, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk is due to arrive in the Georgian capital Tbilisi in the nearest future and the visit of the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State to Tbilisi is also scheduled in the upcoming period.

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