Health Minister: Regional Hospitals To Be Built After 2021

A number of three planned regional hospitals will enter construction only after 2021, so that they could benefit from the EU’s 2021-2027 co-financing mechanisms, Romanian Health Minister Sorana Pintea announced on Tuesday.


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Health Minister: Regional Hospitals To Be Built After 2021

According to Pintea, procedures for the hospitals suffered procedure-related delays, which would have pushed the start of construction in 2020-2021 regardless.

“We will start construction based on the 2021-2027 financial build, and will request a raise of the EU’s co-financing percentage from 50% to 85%. I say that it is a very good thing and that these hospitals are closer to being a certitude, because their financing is also very clear right now,” the health minister said.

The three regional hospitals will be built in Iasi, Craiova and Cluj, with the Craiova project being the last to send information on the land it will make available for construction, in May 2018.

The minister also added that delays were caused due to under-evaluated estimates for the construction costs of the projects, with each hospital initially estimated to cost about EUR100 million in 2014, while the new feasibility projects estimate a cost of EUR400 million for each center.


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