Interest Group Sets Up Illegal Bucharest Chamber Of Commerce- CCIB

The Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB) accuses “a certain interest group” of trying to set up an illegal Chamber of Commerce in Bucharest in order to get their hands on all of CCIB’s patrimony.


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Interest Group Sets Up Illegal Bucharest Chamber Of Commerce- CCIB

“The attempts to destroy the CCIB started end 2007, when Romania’s government tried to repeal the dispositions of article 2 from government ordinance no. 709/2005 on recognizing the setting up of the Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Government decision no. 1187/2007 aimed at repealing the stipulations regarding the headquarters, management organisms, patrimony and statute of the CCIB,” reads a press release.

However, in March 2008, the court of law suspended government decision no. 1187/2007. CCIB’s press release reads that certain “interest groups” are currently trying to set up an illegal chamber of commerce, bearing the same name, that of Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry and with the headquarters in Bucharest, in Boulevard O. Goga, No. 2. the same location as that of the real CCIB.

CCIB said that according to Law no. 335/2007, each county can have only one chamber of commerce.

However, on March 5, 2008 a general assembly decided to set up a new Bucharest chamber of commerce and on March 18, 2008 the Ministry of Economy and Finance approved granting a Unique Identification Code to the new structure.

The illegal institution sued the CCIB asking it be forbidden to use the name under which it was set up.

The CCIB expressed its confidence in the Romanian justice system.

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