Iohannis, on the autonomy of the Szekler Land: It is incredible what is happening in Parliament

President Klaus Iohannis has launched a harsh attack on PSD, accusing the social-democrats of "willing to give Transylvania to the Hungarians": "It's incredible where this PSD has ended up, what agreements are being made in the Romanian Parliament".


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Iohannis, on the autonomy of the Szekler Land: It is incredible what is happening in Parliament

The president has begun his statement by greeting in Hungarian: "Jo napot kivanok, PSD".

Then, Iohannis said: “It is incredible what is happening in Parliament! PSD helped UDMR to pass through the Chamber of Deputies a law that gives wide autonomy to the Szekler Land. It is incredible where this PSD was reached, what agreements are made in the Romanian Parliament”.

According to the president, while the authorities are fighting the pandemic, the Social-Democratic Party (PSD) "is fighting in the secret offices of the Parliament to give Transylvania to the Hungarians".

"It simply came to our notice then. It is now better understood why I wanted early elections: I no longer want the important issues of the nation to be decided by PSD, against Romania and Romanians. Such a thing is inadmissible", Iohannis said, adding that as long as he is president, such a law will not exist.

A draft law stipulating that the Szeklerland becomes an autonomous region with legal personality was tacitly adopted by the Chamber of Deputies. The bill has reached the Senate, which is the decision-making entity.

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