No Influenza Outbreak in Romania, Four Cases Of Flu Virus Infections Isolated – Ministry

Romania is not facing a flu epidemic and the four cases of infection with the AH1N1 and AH3N2 viruses registered between January 3 and January 9, 2011 have been isolated, the Health Ministry said Wednesday.


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No Influenza Outbreak in Romania, Four Cases Of Flu Virus Infections Isolated – Ministry

Three cases of AH1N1 infection were registered in Iasi county, eastern Romania, (two cases) and the northern region of Maramures (one case).

A 60-year old man was admitted to hospital in Iasi in serious condition, after being diagnosed with the influenza A(H1N1) virus, most likely contracted during a holiday in Egypt. The diagnosis was confirmed by the Cantacuzino Institute for Research and Development in Microbiology in Bucharest.

According to data released by the National Center Supervising Contagious Diseases, the number of acute respiratory infections in the January 3-9 interval rose by 26.8% compared to the previous week, to 67,098 cases.

Within this season's free vaccination campaign launched by the Health Ministry, 1,100,000 people were vaccinated by January 9. The ministry made available 1,300,000 vaccine doses to immunize people at high risk of getting infected with flu viruses.

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