President Klaus Iohannis has received the first vaccine dose

President Klaus Iohannis has received, on Friday, the first anti-Covid vaccine dose, at the Central Military Emergency University Hospital "Dr. Carol Davila", in Bucharest, as the second vaccination campaign stage has started in Romania.


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President Klaus Iohannis has received the first vaccine dose

President Klaus Iohannis received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine on Friday morning.

The president was vaccinated at the Central Military Emergency University Hospital "Dr. Carol Davila" in Bucharest. The action was broadcast live by the presidential Administration.

In fact, the president announced a few days ago that he would be vaccinated publicly on Friday, to mark the beginning of the second stage of the vaccination campaign. He says he would have given the wrong message if he had "stepped forward".

On Friday, the second stage of the vaccination campaign in Romania starts at national level, including the population at risk, represented by adults over the age of 65 and by people with chronic diseases. Also, at this stage will also be immunized key institutions employees.

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