Romania 3Q Foreign Card Payments At Record RON1B - Central Bank

Romanians used cards to pay 966 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2950) in the third quarter to POS terminals abroad, the largest amount reported to date, and withdrew RON380 million from foreign ATMs, according to central bank data.


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Romania 3Q Foreign Card Payments At Record RON1B - Central Bank

The value of foreign POS transactions in the third quarter is 25% higher than that recorded at the end of the second quarter - RON771 million. Cash withdrawals using cards issued by Romanian banks also reached a record level.

On the other hand, the value of payments using foreign-issued cards to Romanian traders climbed to a record RON404 million, 25% above the previous quarter's level. The value of cash withdrawals using foreign cards at Romanian ATMs also increased to RON821 million, more than 50% higher than the previous quarter and 9% above the level of the same period last year.

The third quarter also registered a record number of payments using Romanian-issued cards, worth a total RON3.29 billion, 6% above the previous quarter's level, though the number of issued cards grew by a mere 0.17% - 46,423. The value of cash withdrawals and deposits did not register any significant change, with withdrawals amounting to RON22.9 billion and deposits to RON930 million.

Romania had 10,053 ATMs at the end of September, 99 withdrawal ATMs more than in June, and 103,363 POS, an increase of more than 2,000 compared to the first half of the year.

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