Romania Launches Tourist Brand At Shanghai Expo

Romania’s tourist brand, under the slogan "Explore the Carpathian garden", was launched Thursday at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.


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Romania Launches Tourist Brand At Shanghai Expo

The new slogan "Explore the Carpathian garden" is meant to promote Romania as a tourist destination in the coming years.

Romanian Tourism Minister Elena Udrea, Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Baconschi and former sportspeople Nadia Comaneci, Ilie Nastase and Gheorghe Hagi were also present at the event.

Romania's pavilion at the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai was officially opened in May, a few hours after the end of the site's opening ceremony which marked the 41st world expo event. The pavilion, which pictures a green apple and a slice of an apple lying on the ground, includes exhibition halls, multimedia screens, a conference room, a stage and a restaurant serving Romanian traditional food.

Romania's exhibition hall includes four sectors which present the country's architectural landmarks - fortified churches, monasteries and medieval cities, as well as the development of modern cities and urban civilization.

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