Romania Mulls Recalculating Special Pensions - Official

Some 200,000 Romanians who collect special pensions will see their pensions recalculated once the new law in the field is enforced, Mihai Seitan, adviser to Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday.


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Romania Mulls Recalculating Special Pensions - Official

Seitan said the move was already discussed in the government, mentioning that most of citizens who benefit from special pensions used to work in the military and the Interior Ministry.
“Once the new law is passed, I will say: “I don’t care about the money you collect now, I will recalculate your pension as you’ve just retired as well, considering the salaries you had” and I will give them the recalculated sum (…) We will recalculate (the pensions) like they were in the public system,” Seitan said.
He estimated that, following recalculation, the special pensions might be reduced to one third of their current value.
Seitan said the new pension system might be up and running within six months and that the pensions already collected by them will not be refunded.

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