Romania Pres Says Recent Visits To Large Cos Not Related To Any Electoral Campaign

Romanian President Traian Basescu told a press conference Monday that his recent visits to large companies were not part of any electoral campaign whatsoever, stressing he just could not sit back and relax in his office, waiting to hear what journalists and politicians say in the fallout of the economic crisis.


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Romania Pres Says His Recent Visits To Large Cos Are Not Part Of Any Electoral Campaign

Basescu said he would continue his visits in the upcoming period, until the new government settles in, so that he can pass the country’s core issues onto the new executive.

Moreover, the head of state said the new governing program must help the country’s economy and counter the effects of the international financial crisis. 
Basescu cared to stress that he came across three types of problems during his visits, namely, the foreign and local market, the financing process of production and unskilled workforce.
"They keep talking about a potential fall in investments. I do not believe that," said Basescu, stressing that a smart political strategy can work against any crisis.
The head of state also said Monday that the future government, which, he hopes, will settle in before Christmas, would have to come up with a new budget strategy targeting to save money in the public system.
Basescu pointed out that he wants the future Prime Minister to carry on the reforming process in the administration system and particularly in the education and healthcare systems, adding Romania needs an efficient government.


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