Romania’s Central Electoral Bureau Received About 40 Election Fraud Notifications

Romania’s Central Electoral Bureau spokesman Marian Muhulet told MEDIAFAX Sunday the institution received about 40 notifications regarding the unfolding of the vote, and the notifications were forwarded to the police and local electoral bureaus.


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Romania’s Central Electoral Bureau Received About 40 Election Fraud Notifications

"We received various notifications about alleged multiple voting, people offering bribe in exchange for votes or certain administrative issues regarding the unfolding of voting, such as ballot-papers stamped on other pages than the last, as the law stipulates, disappearance of ballot-papers and stamps, the fact that some people voted in special polling stations in localities where they reside," Muhulet said.

Muhulet added these notifications had to be dealt with by the police and local electoral bureaus.

About 18 million eligible voters are expected to cast ballots Sunday to elect a new president and say whether they want the country's Parliament downsized to a single chamber and a maximum 300 lawmakers instead of the current 471. Polls close at GMT1900.

Law enforcers were notified of hundreds of electoral incidents, ranging from the purchase of votes to the wrongful introduction of ballots in the urns and representatives of the main contending political parties accused one another of trying to rig the vote.

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