Romania’s Def Council To Discuss Troops Presence In Iraq Jan 20

The Romanian Supreme Defense Council, or CSAT, is to meet at the presidential Cotroceni Palace in Bucharest on Tuesday to discuss the bilateral agreement with Iraq on the presence of Romanian troops in the country.


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Romania’s Def Council To Discuss Troops Presence In Iraq Jan 20

The meeting’s agenda also includes debates on Romania’s withdrawal from the Multi-national Standby Force High Readiness Brigade (SHIRBRIG) For UN Operations.
Romanian Senate chairman, Mircea Geoana, will attend the meeting as vice-chairman of the institution, after the government recently amended the CSAT law in that respect.
The amendment set up of a new position of vice-chairman with the Defense Council, to be filled in by the Senate chairman.
Prior to the amendment, the CSAT law stipulated the head of state acts as CSAT president, while the prime minister fills the position of vice-chairman.

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