Romania’s Environment Min Says 18 Zoos Will Be Closed Down
Romania’s environment minister Attila Korodi said on Tuesday that 18 zoos, among which the Bucharest zoo, that fail to observe the necessary functioning conditions will be closed down.
Romania’s Environment Min Says 18 Zoos Will Be Closed Down
Korodi told a news conference in Romania’s central town of Brasov that of the 32 zoos in Romania 14 will be rehabilitated with funds from the ministry that rise to RON130 million and other 18 zoos, among which the Bucharest zoo, will be closed down.
The ministry official said that two of the 32 zoos in the country have already received the close down notice.
The minister said that Romania’s zoos, that are supposed to be educational and recreation spaces are far from observing the European Union’s norms. He added most zoos often seem like animal prisons.
The 18 zoos that will be closed down in the next two years fail to observe requirements regarding space, hygiene, food and appropriate winter conditions.
Some 10,000 animals will remain without shelter after the zoos close down, and will have to be relocated.
Korodi said that a meeting with international specialists in reintegrating animals in nature or other locations would take place in May in Bucharest.
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