Romania’s Govt Plans To Amend Labor Legislation, Introduce Postal Voting For Romanians Abroad

Romania’s Government wants to amend the country’s labor legislation, introduce postal voting for Romanians living abroad, simplify privatization procedures and regulate aspects related to the checkup of public purchase contract award procedures.


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Romania’s Govt Plans To Amend Labor Legislation, Introduce Postal Voting For Romanians Abroad

According to the list of draft laws that will be approved by the Government, the public institution also wants to amend the law compelling economic operators to use cash registers.

The Government plans to adopt several draft laws amending the Labor Code, the law on unions, the law regarding employer associations, the law regulating collective labor contracts, the law on labor conflict resolution and the law on unemployment contributions. The Executive will call on the Parliament to approve these draft acts by December.

The Government will also urge the Parliament to adopt by November 2010 the draft act regarding the frame-law on public sector wages, and the bill regarding its implementation - in 2011.

The 2011 state budget law and the 2011 social security budget law should be adopted in Parliament by the end of the year. Meanwhile, the Government will make a new revision of the two budgets for 2010.

The Government will also adopt a draft law to ease privatization procedures in the case of minority stakes owned by the state in commercial companies.

The Executive wants to amend the law on the social assistance system, the law on adoption, as well as Law 161/2003 regarding measures ensuring transparency in the business sector and in filling public positions.

Other draft laws to be adopted by the Government concern irregularities in using EU funds or public funds and procedures to grant public funds to non-government organization.

The head of the Department for the Relations with the Parliament, Valentin Iliescu, presented the Government's list of draft laws for the second 2010 Parliament session to start on September 1.

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