Romania’s Lower Chamber Defense Committee Meets Dutch Ambassador In Bucharest

Romanian officials from the Lower Chamber Defense Committee met Tuesday with Dutch Ambassador in Bucharest Stella Ronner-Grubacic and discussed bilateral collaboration within NATO, the acquisition of multifunctional corvettes and the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism.


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Romania’s Lower Chamber Defense Committee Meets Dutch Ambassador In Bucharest

Committee President Dorel-Gheorghe Caprar said that the Dutch ambassador emphasized the need for strengthening the bilateral military cooperation, and that they also discussed the acquisition of multifunctional corvettes.

The officials also tackled the Schengen Area and the European Commission’s Cooperation and Verification Mechanism on Romania. Ronner-Grubacic appreciated the progress Romania made regarding the independence of justice, fundamental rights and liberties and the rule of law, and hopes this will lead to a positive report from the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism.

The report will determine the position of European Union member countries in regard to Romania’s ascension to the Schengen Area.

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