Romanian Anticorruption Prosecutors Look Into Land Purchases Before Nokia Relocation

The Romanian Anticorruption Department said Tuesday that its Cluj branch is not looking into the contract concluded between Finnish mobile giant Nokia and local authorities, but the circumstance in which lands were bought in the area before the plant was relocated.


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Romanian Anticorruption Prosecutors Look Into Land Purchases Before Nokia Relocation

"The Cluj territorial unit is not investigating negotiations or the conclusion of the contract between Nokia and the Cluj County Council, nor is it investigating Nokia’s investment in the Jucu plant as it erroneously resulted from the statement of the president of the county council, cited by news agencies and television networks,” the DNA said in a statement.
DNA added the investigation targets the circumstances in which land was bought in Jucu before Nokia relocated there and before the contract had been concluded, as there are allegations that some buyers had information that Nokia was to open a production unit on the respective lands.
Earlier Tuesday, Cluj County Council president Marius Nicoara said the local anticorruption unit asked to see all the documents related to negotiations between local authorities and Nokia.
"We have nothing to hide and we have ordered all involved divisions in the council to make copies of the respective documents and send them to DNA,” Nicoara added.
He said he does not know what the DNA wishes to investigate, but added he hopes the move is not just an action meant to gain attract voter confidence to the detriment of a positive business climate that developed in the area in recent years.
Nokia in February started production at its new plant in Jucu, Cluj county, where it assembles phones to be sold in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

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