Romanian Anticorruption Prosecutors Seek Parliament Approval To Arrest Social Democrat Senator

Romanian anticorruption prosecutors called on the justice minister to require Parliament approval to arrest social democrat senator Catalin Voicu, who is accused of influence peddling and fraud.


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Romanian Anticorruption Prosecutors Seek Parliament Approval To Arrest Social Democrat Senator

Voicu is accused of receiving 250,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.1007) and EUR200,000 from a businessman, in the July-September 2009 interval, to intervene with the High Court of Justice for a favorable ruling in a case regarding the company where the businessman was an associate.

According to prosecutors, Voicu also received RON119,000 in August 2009 from another businessman whom he promised to intervene with the police in a criminal case.

The senator also offered to help influential people who had certain interests in files judged by the Bucharest Court and the High Court of Justice, in return for support in acceding to a government position.

On December 10, 2009, prosecutors started Voicu's criminal investigations which were extended in January and February this year for two other charges of influence peddling.

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