Romanian Carmaker Dacia Less Affected By Fin Crisis, Won’t Reach ’08 Objective - Manager

Romanian carmaker Dacia is not severely affected by the global economic crisis, but still will not fulfill its objective for this year, to reach a production of 310,000 – 320,000 vehicles, company general manager Francois Fourmont said Tuesday.


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Romanian Carmaker Dacia Less Affected By Fin Crisis, Won’t Reach ’08 Objective - Manager

“As markets drop, it is obvious there are less buyers. Due to our position on the market (as producer of less expensive cars– e.n.), we are less affected than the other carmakers, but we must manage stocks carefully, so as not to have too many vehicles that remain unsold,”  Francois Fourmont told the conference “Mediafax Talks about Auto Industry” organized by MEDIAFAX Tuesday.

Fourmont said any figure he would estimate for this year’s car production of Dacia might be easily overturned by what happens on the market in the near future.

“If markets continue to drop, we will cut down production again,” Fourmont said.

He added Dacia’s exclusive suppliers are suspending their activity too when the factory is not working, but companies which also produce car parts for other carmakers have their own production calendar, adjusted to the carmakers’ needs.

The company said last week it will interrupt production in the factory in Mioveni on October 30 and 31, as well as on November 13 and 14 to adjust production schedule to the commercial demand.

In January 2008, the plant in Mioveni reached the maximum daily production of 1,300 vehicles.

The four-day halt in activity Dacia announced would lead to 5,200 less vehicles of the total 310,000 units planned for this year.

Dacia’s revenues rose by 24.5% last year, to 7.2 billion lei (EUR1=RON3.6869), from RON5.78 billion.

For the same period, the net profit of the company was up by 17.2%, to RON442.34 million from RON377.27 million.

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