Romanian Carmaker Dacia Ranked 7th In CEE By No. Of Cars Sold In ‘10

Romanian carmaker Dacia is ranked seventh in Central and Eastern Europe regarding the number of cars sold in 2010 and Dacia Logan is the third best selling car brand, according to automotive business intelligence provider JATO.


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Romanian Carmaker Dacia Ranked 7th In CEE By No. Of Cars Sold In ‘10

According to JATO, Dacia sold a little over 50,000 cars last year in the region (Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Cyprus, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia).

Skoda is leader in CEE with over 127,000 units sold last year, and is followed by Volkswagen (76,491cars), Ford (64,928), Renault (63,727), Opel (55,270), Fiat (51,202), Dacia, Toyota (45,121), Hyundai (42,304) and Peugeot (38,807).

Skoda Octavia is top-selling car brand (63,014 units) and is followed by Fabia (39,862 units) and Dacia Logan (31,246 units).

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