Romanian Casinos To Charge Admission Fee – Amended Fiscal Code

Casinos in Romania will have a 20 lei (EUR1=RON4.2877) cover charge, while establishments with slot machines will charge RON5 for admission, under the Fiscal Code, as amended by the Government.


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Romanian Casinos To Charge Admission Fee – Amended Fiscal Code

Casinos will have to issue admission tickets to everyone, whether player or just visitor, but in the case of slot-machines, only players will be required to have a ticket. The tickets will be valid for 24 hours.

Patrons found without admission tickets will be fined RON200-500 or RON2000-5000, depending on whether they are natural or legal persons, respectively.

The revenue from gambling license fees and admission fees will go to the state budget; 1.5% will be transferred each year to the cinema fund and 3.5% will go to the National Program for the Restoration of Historic Monuments.

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