Romanian Coal Miners To Get 28% Salary Hike This Year

Romanian miners with the national coal mining company SNLO will increase some 28% this year, said union leader Viorel Temelescu, head of the negotiating committee.


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Romanian Coal Miners To Get 28% Salary Hike This Year

Temelescu said Sunday that following negotiations, miners’ average salaries would increase to some RON2,500 from the current RON2,000, and employees would benefit from new bonuses.
Company general manager Eugen Davidoiu said all the bonuses and raises would be paid from coal sales to coal-fired power plants.
SNLO estimates to produce so 19 million tons of coal this year, similar to last year’s production. Davidoiu said this year’s production would be sold for prices higher by up to 10%,a s the company is currently negotiating price hikes.
The new collective work contract will be submitted Monday with the local labor authority and the company’s 2008 budget draft will be forwarded to the Ministry of Economy and Finance for approval, Davidoiu added.
However, the head of the mining energy unions in the area, Marin Condescu, contradicts Temelescu and general manager Davidoiu saying miners will not see wage hikes above 15%.
Condescu said Sunday the net salaries of SNLO employees cannot increase more than 15% and the company cannot sustain a 28% hike.
Condescu said Temelescu and Davidoiu promised a 28% increase because they are politicians and 2008 is an election year.

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