Romanian Conservatives To Rally Against Gay Parade

The Romanian Conservative Party is against the organization of gay parade GayFest, considering the perpetuation of such conducts in Romania as inappropriate, said ceonservative MP Vlad Hogea, announcing that the party will protest Sunday in a rally defending traditional values.


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Romanian Conservatives To Rally Against Gay Parade

Hogea said GayFest does not reflect the views of a population majority and this event represents "a new attack against public morality, abusively and brutally speculating Romanian tolerance."

The conservatives do not agree with the legalization of gay marriages and fiercely opposes adoption requests coming from gay couples, Hogea added.

He said the party wishes to raise a red flag regarding the proliferation of “such harmful ideas" in the young generation, which is why they have decided to organize a rally defending traditional values Sunday, May 25, at 11.00 local time, in Obor square,.

The march of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual) community  is set for Saturday, the route being the same one as in the past year. Thus, participants in the march would start from the Decebal boulevard towards Unirii Square - Constitutiei Square - Libertătii Boulevard – Izvor Park.

Far right organization The New Right received approval to organize, Saturday as well, a counter-rally against the gay parade, as some 500 people might attend the march, according to attorney Mihai Rapcea, representative of the organization.

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