Romanian Criminal Code Added With Pressure On Justice, Justice Contempt Crimes

The Romanian High Council of the Magistrates (CSM) approved the proposition formulated by justice minister Catalin Predoiu regarding the introduction in the Criminal Code of crimes involving pressure on justice and contempt of legal bodies, which are now punishable by prison terms or fines.


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Romanian Criminal Code Added With Pressure On Justice, Justice Contempt Crimes

"The draft document proposes the regulation of new special cases of punishment for assault and battery, depending on the position of the passive subject (judge, prosecutor, criminal investigation body, expert, court executor, police officer, gendarmerie officer), deeds committed with the purpose of intimidation or revenge in connection with the exercise of duties," said a press release issued by the Council.
Justice minister Catalin Predoiu proposed the introduction in the Criminal Code of crimes regarding pressure on justice and contempt of legal bodies, which are punishable by three months to one year imprisonment or a fine.
"Romania’s Criminal Code on April 16, 1997 is amended as follows: Article 239 index 1 will read as follows: Article 239 index 1 – Special cases of punishment (1) In case of crimes mentioned in Article 239 committed against a judge or a prosecutor, criminal investigation body, expert, legal executor, police officer or gendarmerie officer, the special punishment limits mentioned in the law are increased by half. (2) In case of crimes mentioned in Article 180 – 183, Article 189 and Article 193, committed against the spouse or a close relative of one of the persons mentioned in paragraph (1), with the purpose of intimidation or revenge in connection with the exercise of duties, the special punishment limits mentioned in the law are increased by half."
The Ministry of Justice said that after article 272 two new articles are introduced, 272 index 1 and 272 index 2.
"Article 272 index 1 – Pressure on justice: Public defamatory statements regarding the judge, prosecutor or criminal investigation bodies, made with the purpose of intimidation or influencing them, by any of the parties involved, as well as by the defendant or culprit or their representatives, during legal proceedings, is punishable by three months to one year imprisonment or a fine."
"Article 272 index 2 – Contempt of legal bodies: (1) The use of offensive, obscene or threatening words or gestures by someone who is involved in or attending proceedings unfolded in front of a court or a prosecutor are punishable by three months to one year imprisonment or a fine. (2) The same punishment applies for the use of offensive, obscene or threatening words directly or by way of direct communication against a judge or a prosecutor, for actions performed while on duty."

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