Romanian Education Min Wants To Do Away With Spiru Haret Distance Learning Centers

Romanian education minister Ecaterina Andronescu on Saturday said she suggested several measures that should be enforced by Spiru Haret University in order to function legally, and if it rejects them, the ministry will commence procedure to liquidate the institution.


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Romanian Education Min Wants To Do Away With Spiru Haret Distance-Learning Centers

She said she proposed the elimination of all distance-learning centers of the university, as they were not teaching but “managing a business”, adding one cannot teach music or sport without practise and in the absence of the student-teacher interaction.

Andronescu said she wants a ban on the activity in nine centers abroad belonging to the Spiru Haret University, as well as the annulment of the University Charta and the creation of a new one, in accordance with the current norms.
She added the university’s representatives have to draft and adopt a new regulation in the senate on the organization of new academic elections within the university.
She said the university rector was elected in 2000 and not once validated since then.
She added the scientific titles of 92 professors should be annulled, as they didn’t receive the approval of the National Council for University Diplomas and Certificate Titles.
Romanian education minister Ecaterina Andronescu on Saturday presented in the Government’s extraordinary session the Report on the Spiru Haret University.
According to her, the prime minister agreed with her propositions, and a decision is pending in the matter.

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