Romanian Governing Coalition Wants Criminal, Civil Codes Complete By May 15, Procedure Codes By Fall

Romanian Social Democratic Party vice-president Victor Ponta said Wednesday the country’s governing coalition decided to complete the Criminal and Civil Codes by May 15 and adopt their procedure codes by fall.


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Romanian Governing Coalition Wants Criminal, Civil Codes Complete By May 15, Procedure Codes By Fall

He said the Criminal and Civil Codes would continue to be debated by special commissions in Parliament and completed by May 15.

"If we manage to complete these two codes (…) we’ll put them on the Senate’s daily agenda and we can adopt them using emergency procedures,” Ponta said.

He added the Criminal Procedure Code and Civil Procedure Code would enter debates in Parliament commissions during the summer and should be completed by fall and a reasonable term would be set for their adoption.

"All four codes will become effective as of January 1, 2011," he said.


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