Romanian Govt OKs New Structure Of Council Overseeing Securitate Files

The Romanian government on Wednesday adopted the new organic structure of the National Council in charge with overseeing the files of former communist secret police, or CNSAS, Marius Oprea, adviser to Premier Calin Popescu Tariceanu said.


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Romanian Govt OKs New Structure Of Council Overseeing Securitate Files

He said the act was included on the government’s agenda at the request of Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu.
“I am glad the new justice minister understood the importance of the act, as he was the one to request the ordinance be included on the additional agenda of the government in order to be approved,” Oprea said.
He said the executive only brought a few minor amendments to the act.
“Basically, the amendments stipulate that CNSAS is nothing similar to a courtroom. CNSAS’ role is only to observe, based on archive documents, if someone collaborated with former secret police Securitate or if he/she worked for the police and thus they contributed to limiting a person’s rights and freedom (…) while the court is the one that makes a biding ruling regarding the quality of collaborator or worker with Securitate police,” Oprea said.
Last week, the executive decided CNSAS’ new structure would be promoted by an emergency ordinance to ensure the swift enactment of the act.
Early February, Romania’s Constitutional Court ruled that the law setting up CNSAS was unconstitutional.
Following the decision, the government adopted on February 6 an ordinance allowing CNSAS to carry on its activity.

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