Romanian Interior Min Intelligence Dept Needs New Employees, Not Layoffs – Minister

Romanian interior minister Dan Nica said Friday that there will not be any people fired from the intelligence department within the Ministry of Interior (DGIPI), since there are hundreds of positions vacant and these positions need to be filled.


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Romanian Interior Min Intelligence Dept Needs New Employees, Not Layoffs – Minister

Asked about the situation at DGIPI, Dan Nica said this institution is undergoing "a process of transformation that has started 20 days ago", and "everything needs to be done with care", so that this structure can be a European one.
At the same time, asked if people would be fired from DGIPI, the minister replied negatively, adding that, on the contrary, the organization needs to hire more people.
At the moment there are over 2,000 employees in the division, but there are also several hundred vacant positions.
Nica recently said DGIPI will be an efficient European structure, which will receive support to do its job, especially considering that 90% of criminals in Romania are caught by DGIPI.

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