Romanian Interior Ministry Proposes Holding Local, Parliament Elections Simultaneously

Romania's Ministry of Interior has proposed holding the elections for local authorities and for the Parliament at the same time, arguing that this would reduce the total cost from EUR43 million to around EUR22 million.


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Romanian Interior Ministry Proposes Holding Local, Parliament Elections Simultaneously

The Ministry has put up for public debate a bill on the organization of the elections for local administration and elections to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate in 2012, which also amends Law 215/2001 on the local public administration.

The elections would share their infrastructure (electoral offices, lists, stamps, logistics) and personnel costs would be halved, from EUR43 million to about EUR22 million. The cost will be covered from the state budget.

In 2008, the total cost of local and parliamentary elections was around EUR80 million; personnel expenses made up 54%.

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