Romanian Labor Minister Says Owners’ Associations Decided On 2008 Min Salary

The representatives of owners’ associations have reached an agreement, for the first time, on the sum of 480 lei (EUR1-RON3.3671) for the 2008 minimum salary per economy, Romania’s labor minister Paul Pacuraru said.


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Romanian Labor Minister Says Owners’ Associations Reached Agreement On 2008 Min Salary

Pacuraru added that the owners’ associations asked the unions to discard the salary chart, saying this chart has a bad impact on the economy.
Pacuraru said he also backs the idea of discarding the salary chart.
However, the unionists totally disagreed with the RON480 offer for the 2008 minimum salary forwarded by the owners’ associations, saying they will continue the labor conflict and even resort to general strike if the government fails to alter the level of the minimum salary guaranteed.
Dumitru Costin, president of the National Trade Union Bloc, stressed that the salary offer made by the owners’ associations is not at all fair.
Petru Dandea, vice-president of National Trade Union Confederation Cartel Alfa, said that RON480 is way below the level which the unionists are willing to accept, given that the they first proposed RON700 for the 2008 minimum salary.

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